Sunday, October 25, 2009

the beginning of the end

Bod's beginning to see the ghosts less and less to the point where he cant even see them at all. Which means he is growing up and he is loosing his child qualities. It's time for bod to leave the graveyard and live in the world on his own. Bod decides he is going to explore the world and "leave no path untaken". If there is a second book being written i believe Bod will return to the graveyard and he will see Silas again. Atleast i hope he does. After all this is the beginning of a wonderfull life for Bod. What do you think Bod will do in the future?

Thursday, October 22, 2009

he's a genius!

Bod is having to take care of the graveyard and Scarlett because no one else is there to help, besides the ghosts. After he figures out that Mr. Frost is really Jack, his family killer, he rushes to Scarlett and leaves locking him in the top room. Meeting the other Jacks on the way out Scarlett is very confused. Bod uses his skill of the graveyard, with help from the ghosts, and gets rid of the bad men. He truly shows his smartness when he gets the SLEER to take Jack. I think Bod really showed he was a hero in this chapter and showed his braveness. It puzzles me that Scarlett sees him as a bad guy ultimately. In the end his vampire guardian takes care of everything and erases the memory of Scarlett and her mother. My question is what do you think would have happened if he didnt erase their memories of this whole incident? Would they have went to the police or kept it to themselves?

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Mr. Who Frost?

Who is Mr. Frost? Scarlett met him in the graveyard on a rainy day being suspiciuos and yet she completely trusts him. She barely knows the man and is just relying on his kindness. I think he is hiding something and will turn out to be no good. When Scarlett tells him about her friend he seems to be too interested in the whole story for me. Maybe he is just being nice to Scarlett but he just comes off as being mysterious. He tells Scarlett he found some real information on the baby and his family and tells her that he wants to meet the missing boy and tell him. Scarlett being careless, gets Bod to go with her to see him. Will Mr. Frost be helpfull or will he end up being bad? What do you think about Mr. Frost?

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

bullies and school

All schools have bullies but they are not all the same. Some steal, some call people names, and some just get in fights with others. When Bod goes to school he is happy and likes learning until he becomes noticed and the two school bullies who make him their next target. Neither one of them scare Bod one bit so he uses them to his advantage. He practices Fading, which he does successfully and also manages to try Fear out on them, which also works for him. Bod also gets into one of the bullies dreams and scares him even more. I think Bod going to school was good for him because he learned alot and not all of it was just plain school work but at the same time it was a bad idea because now people know of him. Do you think it was a good or bad idea?

Monday, October 19, 2009

leaving the graveyard

I find it interesting that Bod was always told not to leave the graveyard but he has done it already like three times. He got punished the first time with a beating from Mr. Owens but the other times he went out he got away with it. I feel that his life is at stake and he the graveyard ghost are starting to let him come and go as he pleases, which could come at a very high price. He is still only a child and has know clue about the murderer still trying to kill him so what will come of Bod leaving the graveyard in the future?

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Miss Lupescu

Miss Lupescu is a strange woman. When Bod first meets here she doesnt even try to come off as one bit pleasant. She circles him, renames him 'boy', and gives him strict orders to start following. She tries to teach him lessons consisting of everything he would possibly never need to know. But little did he know her teachings would save his life! After being captured by the ghouls he remembered how to say help in night gaunt and he called out. Miss Lupescu didnt turn out to be just some old, wrinkly woman she was in fact a Hound of God and hearing this call for help from a night gaunt she went to rescue him. After saving Bod's life, of course the main character would never die, he had a new sense of respect for Miss Lupescu. I have a feeling this will not be the last time she saves him from some other life threatening adventure Bod goes on. Do you think this is the last we will see of Miss Lupescu?

Saturday, October 17, 2009

What will happen to Nobody?

Nobody Owens, or Bod, is living in a graveyard with his adopted family. The question im wondering at the present moment is, does Bod know he is adopted? He is still at a very young age and learing so much useful information every day, which leaves him happy. But he is beginning to learn of the outside world by his newly gained friend, Scarlett. Will this relationship lead to trouble? If she gets him curious enough will he want to go outside the graveyard gates to learn more of his previous life? Will he want to find his family killer or stay safe with his new ghost family? All these questions are mixed up in my mind!
Bod eventually has to leave the graveyard no matter how dangerous the outside world is. The author may try to connect Bod leaving being put in the danger of the mysterious murderer with the idea that we all must face the fact that the world if full of dangers we just have deal with them as best we can. What do you think will happen to Bod?

Thursday, October 15, 2009

the beginning

After reading the first chapter of The Graveyard Book I found I was some what disappointed. The cover of the book portrays a creepy and gothic novel but so far the book is not even close. I feel the first chapter is missing a detailing description of the setting along with descriptions of the characters that have been introduced. Describing the setting of the graveyard in a more spooky way would have set the mood for the rest of the book more appropriatly. The book has its pros too though. The first sentence, "There was was a hand in the darkness, and it held a knife " keeps me wanting to read almost instantly but the mysterious man killing the entire family comes off a little strong. After reading how the murderer is so fixed on killing every single member of the family makes me want to read more too because I want to know why. What reason would make a man want to kill an entire family including an infant boy?