Thursday, October 15, 2009

the beginning

After reading the first chapter of The Graveyard Book I found I was some what disappointed. The cover of the book portrays a creepy and gothic novel but so far the book is not even close. I feel the first chapter is missing a detailing description of the setting along with descriptions of the characters that have been introduced. Describing the setting of the graveyard in a more spooky way would have set the mood for the rest of the book more appropriatly. The book has its pros too though. The first sentence, "There was was a hand in the darkness, and it held a knife " keeps me wanting to read almost instantly but the mysterious man killing the entire family comes off a little strong. After reading how the murderer is so fixed on killing every single member of the family makes me want to read more too because I want to know why. What reason would make a man want to kill an entire family including an infant boy?


  1. I definitely agree with your idea of wanting to continue to read to discover why the man jack wants to kill this family! It is driving me crazy, but then again, it is quite morbid, I can't wait to find out the solution and answer to all of it.

  2. I'm on the same page as you, what is making this Jack man want to kill Bod so bad? What could have made someone so mad that they kill an entire family?

  3. This is a great blog. I agree with your questions and comments. I too think that the graveyard is portrayed as too much of a happy place, but again it is a young adult novel so i see where Neil wanted to make it more of a happy place. Personally i think it should be scarier as well. Great job.:)

  4. I feel the same way. How sick does this man have to be to actually want to kill a baby boy? and why? I can't wait to find out the answer. Nice job Jennifer.

  5. I agree. I thought it was odd that Bod was so important for Jack to kill. I mean, its not like Bod is going to know or remember anything of his parents, or who killed them. Maybe Bod has some special power when he's alive? Nice blog.

  6. I have no idea what would make somebody want to kill a baby! But killer's minds are quite mixed up. You would be surprised. But I have to say that i disagree about how the setting needs to be more creepy... Why would a baby enter a really creepy p;ace like that? And also the graveyard is sort of a nature place or a park to an extent. As a place where people would want to come visit shouldnt be that bad. And many graveyards have you been in are chained up and locked at night? thats bad enough.. But otherwise agree about the man Jack coming off a little too storng.
